Q: What is No Concessions?
A: No Concessions is a movie site that uses your ratings of movies you've watched and compares them with other users to make matches based on your shared taste. Based on those connections, No Concessions makes predictions for movies you've not seen yet, offering you new recommendations for movies to watch that we think you'll enjoy.
Q: Do I need to register with the site to use it?
A: While you will still be able to view profiles for movies and see general recommendations, you'll get a lot more out of the site's recommendations and connections features if you sign up.
Q: What is a Watchlist?
A: Watchlists allow you to keep tabs on movies that you want to check out later after discovering them through recommendations, searches, or profile views. Just add the movie to the Watchlist and you can come back and review it after you see it.
How to Use The Site
Getting Started
The first thing you'll want to do when you log in is check the Top Recommendations that appears under the navbar. Here you can view and rate a few movies that you've already seen, or simply add movies you might be interested in watching later to your Watchlist.
Making Connections
After you've rated a few of the movies you've seen, you may want to start checking out the Top Connections list, a scrolling group of profiles the site thinks are similar to yours. These other users have ratings on movies that indicate they may have taste like yours, which makes them a good source for finding out about new movies to check out. If you create a Connection, you can keep up to date on what they have been watching and how they've rated those movies.
Making a Watchlist
When you've found a movie you haven't seen yet but think you want to check it out, you can add it to your Profile's Watchlist. It'll be stored on the site with any others you've added to the list, letting you track the movie discoveries you've made. As you rate the ones you've now seen, they'll be removed from the Watchlist to make room for more.
Reporting Bugs
If you encounter any problems with the site, please contact us as support@noconcessions.com. We value your feedback in helping making the site live up to your expectations.